Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lomography? Yes.

35mm Fisheye Camera
This camera basically takes a picture in a circle format
instead of a rectangle.


So tight!

35mm Action Sampler Camera
Basically what this camera does is take four pictures
on one negative over the course of 1 second.

Here are some interesting (albeit cute) examples:

Okay, so only one of them is cute, but still. haha.

I bought these two cameras yesterday from amazon and I'm really excited to get them in! :) These will be great to have for future experiments with Eric on Intentional Accidents!


Erin Lynn said...

I'm really glad you went with the fisheye for one of them. I REALLY like its pictures :D

maybe we can go on a crazy photo shoot one day when I get back :)

Zach said...

oh, there will be SO MANY opportunities for crazy random photo shoots when I get these cameras. haha,

Erin Lynn said...

how much did the fisheye cost you? haha, I actually wouldn't mind having my own. I mean, if you can take it to walgreens or whatever it'd be super convenient. I'm excited

Zach said...

I got it off of amazon, here's the link:

And it uses normal 35mm film, so yes, you can just take it to walgreens!