Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ramblings of a Delerious Person

I'm on the bus back from SNAP, so I shall blog to keep me awake.

It's really weird experiencing the last event of my senior year with
people that I have known since elementary school. It's like, we've all
spent the last 12 years getting to know each other and I probably
never see 98% of them ever again after next week. I am really exciting
to be getting off to college, it's just going to be so different,
which I guess will probably be good.

On a completely different note; I watched all the important parts of
the iPhone OS 3.0 preview on Apple's website on Saturday and it is
amazing what they're doing. Apple is essentially creating the first
computer that is truly, completely portable while still being
convenient. I really don't see how any other smartphone could compete.
If you get a chance, go watch the preview of the 3.0 software at, it's amazing.

I used to see all these futuristic all-purpose gadgets of tv shows and
movies, but none of them have ever been as practical as the iPhone
seems to be.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More About Different Thinking Styles

This us just something I would like to add to the blog I posted the
other day about the different ways people think.

I wanted to address two very specific thinking styles that are
extremely opposite, and that just happen to be evident in my family
members. One thought process is Doing Things Because They Are Right.
My brother, AJ, and my dad both posess this thinking style naturally.
The other one is Doing Things Because They Are Beneficial. Now, this
is a kind definition for this thought process that both my mom and I
posess, because it sounds much more moral than it is. But we--and I'm
mostly speaking for myself in this post, though I'm pretty sure my
family would agree with my assessment--both feel the need to do things
that will benefit ourselves, despite their moral standings (within
reason). Being moral is something that I have had to learn through the
grace of God and from my brother and dad.

I felt the need to share this, because it is another great example of
different thinking styles in different people. I think it's
interesting to consider that we don't all think the same way about
morals naturally.

Also, this strengthens the concept for myself that we are saved by
grace alone, because sometimes I jest feel like, since AJ naturally
feels the need to be more kind and generous etc. than I naturally
feel, I'm not good enough. Now, that's not to say I blame all my
problems on my thinking and reasoning styles, because I don't. I have
learned to be a better person, and becoming a Christian has definitely
altered my thinking and reasoning. It's just reassuring that we are
saved by grace.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I am Discouraged.
Opposites continue to fulfill each other, and
Time persistently continues to be relative.
Why can't enjoyment go fast, while boredom goes slow?
I just hit my knee really hard on my desk.

I'm working on painting my second pair of shoes today, the first were my new tom's shoes, the second are Liz Cornett's that she gave to me to paint like a month ago, but I won't finish tonight.

My parents have let me use our old office for the time being as a studio which is really cool. I brought all my art junk down from my room and just piled it everywhere. It makes it feel legit.

I know where I'm going to college!
The school year is winding down!

Wow, I'm being very stream-of-consciousness-y tonight.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


50 megapixels of phenomenal sensitivity.


(to bad it costs more than a year of college)

Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm swearing off Bible-In-A-Year Plans.

Bah! I'm ruined!

I've decided that I will never ever attempt a bible-in-a-year plan ever again! Ah!
I'm so mad at myself! I just can't deal with the stress of them. Reading the bible should be something that you can feel comfortable doing. But every time I try one I just end up feeling like crap because I can't keep up with it and I just get more and more behind until I don't even think about it because it stresses me out. Then it takes me forever to get back into a groove reading the Bible and it effects the rest of my life. 

The End.

Now to find a non-calendar-oriented Bible reading plan. Or maybe I'll just make one. gah.