Saturday, May 9, 2009

I am Discouraged.
Opposites continue to fulfill each other, and
Time persistently continues to be relative.
Why can't enjoyment go fast, while boredom goes slow?
I just hit my knee really hard on my desk.

I'm working on painting my second pair of shoes today, the first were my new tom's shoes, the second are Liz Cornett's that she gave to me to paint like a month ago, but I won't finish tonight.

My parents have let me use our old office for the time being as a studio which is really cool. I brought all my art junk down from my room and just piled it everywhere. It makes it feel legit.

I know where I'm going to college!
The school year is winding down!

Wow, I'm being very stream-of-consciousness-y tonight.

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