Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ramblings of a Delerious Person

I'm on the bus back from SNAP, so I shall blog to keep me awake.

It's really weird experiencing the last event of my senior year with
people that I have known since elementary school. It's like, we've all
spent the last 12 years getting to know each other and I probably
never see 98% of them ever again after next week. I am really exciting
to be getting off to college, it's just going to be so different,
which I guess will probably be good.

On a completely different note; I watched all the important parts of
the iPhone OS 3.0 preview on Apple's website on Saturday and it is
amazing what they're doing. Apple is essentially creating the first
computer that is truly, completely portable while still being
convenient. I really don't see how any other smartphone could compete.
If you get a chance, go watch the preview of the 3.0 software at, it's amazing.

I used to see all these futuristic all-purpose gadgets of tv shows and
movies, but none of them have ever been as practical as the iPhone
seems to be.

1 comment:

Molly R said...

Hahaa, I can tell you are tired :) You ARE exciting! ;) ("I am really exciting to be going off to college...")