Thursday, September 3, 2009

An Ode To Rain

It's raining at my house right now, which hasn't happened for at least a month. So here is an Ode To Rain, (hopefully) for your enjoyment!

I was driving home from my piano lesson when it started, and I decided that the perfect background noise for Nickel Creek is rain and a bit of thunder. It just sounded so good with 'Tomorrow Is A Long Time."

Also, here are some pictures I took of clouds that were raining when I saw them a few weeks ago:

"It's falling from the clouds,
A strange and lovely sound.
I hear it in the thunder
and the rain."

And here are some other rainy-day pictures:

The world looks more saturated after a good rain. The colors seem richer in the grass and plants. I would love to go for a walk right now, but I have a class soon. Maybe it will rain tomorrow too!

1 comment:

Marie said...

1. I really like your new picture for the blog. very cool.
2. I really like these pictures.
3. Sounds like an awesome day. Sad I missed it.