Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Random Update

I'm so close to college I can almost taste it. And it tastes of paints, pencils, and macintosh computers. I'm so excited about going to the Art Institute! They were supposed to call me Wednesday to find out when to sign up for classes, but I never got a call, hmm...

I haven't read any fiction in a while so I went on down to the Harris County Public Library off of Jones Rd and picked up the first two books of Ted Dekker's 'the Lost Books' series, which stems off of the Circle Trilogy. I must say, they're really good so far. I always love and get something out of Dekker's books. If you haven't read any of them let me know so I can lend you a few. 

Speaking of books, Nick started the Harry Potter series today! I'm so excited for him! :D

In other news, Obama's speech today 'to the muslim world' was really good. For what it's worth, I'm so glad we have an eloquent president.

I leave for Disney World on Sunday! Eeeee! I've never been, so I have no idea what to expect, but I'm sure it will be amazing.

Oh, also, I got the Sims 3 on Tuesday, and it has been eating a lot of my time. I've always loved the Sims games, and they just keep getting better! I'm currently working on a mansion for my sims (Yes, I used the money-getting cheats, but I like building the houses more than anything else in the game!)

College people are back in town! yay!


Erin Lynn said...

You didn't tell me you were going to disneyworld! That's so exciting!!! I hope you enjoy it! I know you will. What hotel are you staying at? Pick me up something ;) haha

Zach said...

How could I have forgotten to tell you?! But yes! I'm really excited :)

Erin Lynn said...

hahah I don't know.

you and I don't talk that often anymore...
it makes me sad.

Erin Lynn said...

p.s. I got my laptop :D