Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dante Alighieri Knows What's Up

I can't bring myself to do everything that I need to be doing right now. It's just not happening. Maybe I need a job. Maybe I need some medicine. Maybe I'm going about this in all the wrong ways.

In other news, I'm reading The Inferno right now and apparently in the original Italian, the rhyming style was aba bcb cdc ded efe... and so on. I want to write something using that pattern. We'll see.

I was watching The Biggest Loser this evening and decided it's only good for my self-esteem intil about two of three episodes from the finale when all the formerly-obese people get lower BMI's than me. It's like, while I'm sitting here weighing the same I've weighed for a while, they're out there losing my entire body weight in fat. haha.

On a slightly related note, I'm considering starting to run. The Moore Elementary track seems reasonable.

I wish I could be humble. It always makes me mad when people are down on themselves for stupid reasons, so I say to myself, "Okay, Zach. Don't be like that. You need to be sure of yourself so that someone is." There are just so many people who hate themselves, or are always so critical, I feel like I have to be confident, or else everything will be depressing all the time. But it's hard to be confident without being arrogant. And we all know where I fall on that scale.

Finally, I'm really enjoying The Message Remix translation of the Bible lately. I know that it's only like 163% less 'accurate' than the ESV, but I pay so much more attention to what I'm reading and retain it more when I read the message. Especially the Psalms. They are always so beautiful in the message version. What ho! The poetry is poetic! Forgive my sarcasm, I really think a person should find the translation that they can read and understand the best, then stick with it. I'm sure the writer of the NKJV is somewhere feeling a disturbance in the force.

"In simple humility, let our gardener, God, Landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life." from James 1:19 (The Message)


Marie said...

ps. i feel the exact same way when i watch the biggest loser. ha.

and I am considering ordering the message for a reference type thing.

Molly R said...

I appreciate your confidence. Since I tend to have confidence issues, I really respect those who are able to just be confident, of course not in an obnoxious way, more than those who are the opposite. It can be nauseating.

and yes, go running! It's fun fun fun! :) Run on the trail at the Y. It's beautiful. I would discourage running around a track; it's monotonous. Or go on the trails at the druggie park! haha. I love running :)