Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today was a photographer's dream come true. On the way home form school, Callie Sheehan told me that she and Allison went on a walk through the woods behind the park on Cypresswood and saw a couch. My immediate reaction was, "What a cool idea for a photo shoot!" But, it was seriously better than I imagined. I got Erin and Marissa to accompany me and to sit on the couch for the pictures. We set off on the trail in search of the elusive couch, and we discover all these trails that go along the tops of hills, which was really, really exciting. When we get to the top of one, I look down into the creek to see that the couch is actually halfway in the water on the opposite bank from us. Twenty minutes and two bridges later we are at the couch. And it was as if God had placed the couch in the perfect position and the sun at just the right angle to make it look like the couch was perched on a stream in Rivendell. It was amazing. I took some photos with my aforementioned Holga camera and my 2 mega-pixel phone camera and then called my dad to bring me my digital camera. By the time he got to us the sunlight wasn't good anymore, so we're going to try again later. But it was so cool! I'm very excited to develop the film tomorrow and see how they turn out!


where the coffee is said...

that is so exciting!
i can't wait to see them!

Molly R said...

That is so exciting!!!! Wish I was there to witness it :/. Sometimes I really dislike not living close to you guys.

Zach said...

well I do want to go could join us :)