Sunday, January 4, 2009

Whirlwind morning

So, on the coattails of recovering from vomiting all over the place on Friday, this morning was very interesting. Though I felt great last night, this morning my stomach was not cooperating. I attribute this to several random factors:

1. Diet Coke has caffeine; caffeine = no sleep. Last night I went to Burger King with Erin, AJ, Melanie, and Marissa and had cheesy-tots (food for the gods, forget nectar and ambrosia) I stayed awake in bed last night until I don't know how late, but somewhere in there I came to the realization that I didn't even consider the caffeine content of diet coke, which I now horribly regret.
2. Waking up at 7:00 am. The only time I wake up early happily is on Sunday. But this, coupled with the lack of going to bed early, yields bad results.
3. Work and stress. JLT (Just Like Thomas, which is the name of the band I'm in at hwy 249) was alerted in the middle of the week this week that we were switching back to the JH side a week early to accommodate a new, month-based, system of switching sides (which I don't understand why) instead of the old system where we switched every four weeks. This means that we, with no real access to the 249 buildings during the week, must move all of our instruments and other nonsense at 7:30 in the morning, set it all up, have a soundcheck, and practice our set for the day. This leads to all of us with short fuses and negative-leaning attitudes, and...there was no air conditioner in the junior high side while this was going on.
4. Singing. Singing uses diaphragm muscles and this caused my stomach discomfort, I found somewhere to lay down during the first service.

With all that said, Robby was out today with the stomach flu, Tyler was out with strep throat, and Allison was having abdominal pain. But, despite all this, the set went very well. Through what I can only attribute to the protection and grace of God, we all made it: I didn't have to run off the stage to barf, there were no major mishaps in the songs, and the junior-highers were paying attention. 

Thank you, God!

In other Sunday news, the simple musical part of the adult worship service where shawn and kristi myers sang together and shawn played piano was fantastic. It was a simplicity that was so sincere. It was a great. I was really sad that my stomach was distracting me. :(


Zach said...
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Anonymous said...

Have you listened to the CD at all yet?

Zach said...

I am listening to it as I am typing this, also, I am enjoying it! :)