I had lunch with a friend, and the subject of politics came up. My friend is admittedly very, very conservative, while I am admittedly more left-leaning.
We somehow got onto the subject of abortion, and this is where things get odd: my friend told me they are pro-choice, while I am whole-heartedly against abortion.
We began to discuss why/how we had come to have our beliefs, and it was really intense. My friend told me that they are pro-choice because when my friend's mother was pregnant, there was something wrong with the baby, so she decided to get an abortion. Well, my friend was conceived in the time between when the first baby was due and the time of the abortion, therefore making it impossible for my friend to have been born if not for the abortion.
Vice versa, when my mother was pregnant with me, I told my friend, the doctor told my mother that she should probably get an abortion because I very likely would have a birth defect. Needless to say, I did not have a defect and my parents did not decide to have me aborted.
It's difficult to think about, isn't it? We didn't continue the conversation any further.
Again, I am against abortion, but it's a weird situation to think about.