I dyed my hair today! It's been a while, but I've finally done it again.
Yesterday I went to this open house at the Art Institute of Houston-North and it was perfect. It just was. More later. Or ask me a question about it some time!
I am have senioritis worse than ever before, and that's saying something.
I hate my english class. I took K level English so that I wouldn't have to deal with AP nonsense, but no, of course it's just as much if not more work than AP English was last year. Oh well, good thing I'm going to be an art major! :)
Actually, I will have a Bachelor's in Graphic Design. Fancy fancy! Anyway.
Ah! I'm so excited that I have the next few years of my life finally in my head as more than a grey cloud!
I started the online registration and crap for my AP 2D Art Portfolio on Friday. I'm excited to put it all together.
Molly's senior pictures turns out really great and she's happy with them which means that I am happy with them :)